Friday, April 8, 2011

Boot Camp!....OUCH!

Well i thought I'd throw something new up....i don't have pictures but i thought i would share. Val left me a nice message to take it easy packing otherwise i could end up sore and not being able to do much.....HA HA HA!! Well i started up a boot camp on Wednesday with my older sister and a few girls from work and well let me tell ya.
I'm a real site right now....I can barely walk down the stairs... Oh and  What is that Ethan you want Momma to play soccer...Ha! Ha! right i can't run let alone even get on the floor to play with him. I can barely sit on the's good times : )
So i try and stay on my feet all day because I'm much more comfortable that way...boot camp really does get your butt off the couch.....because your to sore to sit.

Hope you can all get a laugh out of this because Corey and I sure are.

Have a wonderful weekend and i will miss joining you ladies for Mojo!


Notes by Nina said...

Fabulous, a week or so from now when you start to see results you will be so happy. Bootcamp is great I love it. The sore is good :)it means you worked hard. Embrace it.Be careful packing though.

VJ's Scrap Room said...

Oh no!! OWW!:( Sure hope you can work some of that soreness out.All I can think of right now is HOT BATH..a real soaker.:)

Gentle hugs,

Just Me said...

wow your new look. Yes your sore muscles. Just think Monday is Mojo but Boot camp...hmmmm I think I would pick Mojo...:)


VJ's Scrap Room said...

Good morning Samantha.:)
I'm with Judy on the MOJO.LOL Sure hope you are feeling better now.:)
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment for me.:)LOVE your visits!!
I will miss seeing your card for this week..but am looking forward to seeing some pics of your new place...hmmmmm???:)


Being Mrs Miles said...

You can DO this Sam. I'm lifting you in prayer as you start this new season of your life. Remember, it took a lot of time for it to get to this point, be gentle on yourself as you start out. You've made the most important start - the decision! With your sister supporting you - THATS important, being accountable to each other. I'll be your cheerleading team!

Love, Aunty Barb

PS - your blog is gorgeous! Mojo - or no? I came alookin!

VJ's Scrap Room said...

Good morning Samantha:)
I keep stopping by to see if you have posted again...I will be back!!
Hope things are going well with you! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment for me.I LOVE your visits!!:)
Have a fantastic weekend my friend!!
